Abuse of Trust

Frank Beck and the Leicestershire Childrens’ Homes Scandal

Hardback: 320 pages
Publisher: Canbury Press
Date: 12 August 2016
ISBN: 9780993040788

Details the case of Frank Beck, who sexually and physically abused over 200 children whilst working as a residential care home manager for Leicestershire County Council. The book also examines the network of abusers with whom Beck worked and charts the subsequent careers of the victims.  This republished edition has an additional chapter by Paul Gosling examining the related allegations against former MP Greville Janner.

Buy the book here (£25)

What others say about Abuse of Trust:

“A chilling reminder of how charismatic abusers were able to operate for so long in the system despite countless warning signs.”  Christian Wolmar, author.

“An in-depth analysis of one case among many, involving members of the ‘establishment’, where child victims of sexual crime, adult supervisors and professionals supporting them have been silenced and denied justice.”  Dr Liz Davies, London Metropolitan University.


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