Health Service Review

Northern Ireland’s healthcare reforms

Northern Ireland’s health and social care system – integrated since 1973 – is set for major reform.  Simon Hamilton, the minister for health, social services and public safety, has announced a substantial overhaul of the organisational structures in Northern Ireland.   Reform is badly needed, with 373,000 patients on healthcare waiting lists for initial out-patient […]

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Northern Ireland reforms its healthcare

Northern Ireland’s health and social care system – integrated since 1973 – is set for major reform. Simon Hamilton, the minister for health, social services and public safety, has announced a substantial overhaul of the organisational structures in Northern Ireland. Reform is badly needed, with 373,000 patients on healthcare waiting lists for initial out-patient appointments,

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Farewell PCTs

Handing over health commissioning to GPs in place of PCTs is a big step, which cannot be achieved in one ‘big bang’, the Department of Health has recognised. Rather, the transfer requires managed stages – which, ironically, initially involve greater centralization, before eventually becoming a more localized commissioning process. In December, DoH announced that PCTs

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New government – new health service reform: Health Service Review

Attempts at reforming and improving the NHS became one of the defining and persistent challenges of the last Labour government – despite it doubling funding in real terms.  While major advances were made, it remained unfinished business for Labour.  The big question is whether the coalition can do better. Analysis by the King’s Fund concludes

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Foundation trusts – success or failure?: Health Service Review

  Foundation trusts are now five years old. In their first year, just 10 of the best performing NHS trusts converted to foundation status. Now there are 117 foundation trusts: more than half the acute and mental health trusts eligible to convert have done so. But have the Government’s enormous expectations that greater independence would

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Co-payments – the inevitable reality for public services?: Health Service Review

  A principle of the NHS is that all patients are treated equally. But should that principle extend to effectively banning patients from buying treatments that may prolong their life, just because other patients cannot afford to purchase the same drugs?   The tragic death of Linda O’Boyle in June shone a light on an

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Two chief executives for the price of one: Health Service Review

  Beyond Section 31   by Paul Gosling   Joint social care commissioning by PCTs and local authorities have blossomed under so-called ‘Section 31 Agreements’. But Section 31 of the 1999 Health Act increasingly seems to be just the start of a longer journey to broader and closer integration of what have historically been very

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